Amazon Reimbursement

What is Amazon Reimbursement?

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) reimbursement refers to the process by which Amazon compensates sellers for various issues or errors that occur within the fulfillment process. Sellers who use Amazon's FBA service might encounter instances where their inventory gets lost, damaged, or destroyed while in Amazon's possession, or they might face issues such as overcharging of fees, misplacement of inventory, or errors in customer returns.


Amazon has reimbursement policies in place to compensate sellers for such occurrences, ensuring they are fairly compensated for the loss or error. Sellers need to regularly monitor their inventory and transaction records to identify any discrepancies or instances where Amazon owes them reimbursement and then file claims with Amazon to request reimbursement for eligible issues or errors.

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Understanding Amazon Reimbursement image

Understanding Amazon Reimbursement

Amazon Reimbursement is a crucial aspect of maintaining financial accuracy and maximizing profitability for sellers. It involves the process of reclaiming funds for eligible scenarios where Amazon may owe you money. These scenarios encompass a range of issues, including lost or damaged inventory during the fulfillment process, discrepancies in returns processing, shipment and more.


The process of claiming FBA reimbursement involves identifying eligible cases, submitting claims to Amazon, and ensuring that the platform acknowledges and processes these claims. It can be a complex and time-consuming task for sellers to manually track and claim reimbursements for every eligible scenario. To streamline and simplify this process, some sellers opt to use Amazon reimbursement services or tools that automate the identification and submission of eligible claims.

What is Amazon Reimbursement Service?

Amazon reimbursement service refers to a third-party service or tool that assists Amazon sellers in identifying, claiming, and recovering funds for various financial discrepancies or losses within their Amazon seller accounts. These discrepancies can arise from errors in the fulfillment process, such as lost or damaged inventory, inaccurate fees, or issues with customer returns.


By using an Amazon reimbursement service, sellers can save time and effort, reduce the risk of manual errors, and increase the likelihood of recovering funds owed to them by Amazon. It is particularly useful for sellers with a large volume of transactions and complex inventory management.

What is Amazon Reimbursement Service? image

How much time does Amazon reimbursement usually require?

The duration of the Amazon reimbursement process can vary depending on several factors, including the type of reimbursement, the complexity of the case, and Amazon's internal processing times. Here are some general considerations

Automated Reimbursements

Some reimbursements, particularly those identified and processed automatically by Amazon's system, may be credited to the seller's account relatively quickly. This could happen within a few days to a couple of weeks.

Manually Filed Reimbursements

If a seller manually files a reimbursement claim, the processing time can be longer. It may take a few weeks or more for Amazon to review the claim, verify the information, and issue the reimbursement.

Re-appeal Process

If a reimbursement claim is initially rejected and the seller chooses to re-appeal, the additional review process can extend the timeframe further.

It's essential to note that Amazon operates on its own timeline, and the processing times can vary. Sellers should regularly monitor the status of their reimbursement claims through Amazon Seller Central and follow up if there are delays. Additionally, using an Amazon reimbursement service may streamline the process and enhance the chances of successful FBA reimbursements.

Recover Every Dollar: Explore Amazon Reimbursement Now!

How long does it take to get reimbursed by Amazon?

The time it takes to get reimbursed by Amazon depends on the reimbursement type and the specific case details. After submitting a claim, Amazon typically responds within 2 – 3 business days, either with a decision or a request for additional information. Once the reimbursement amount is determined, it reflects in your account within 4 - 5 days. It's crucial to highlight that Amazon may overlook numerous cases for FBA inventory reimbursements, necessitating manual monitoring by sellers to ensure timely and accurate reimbursement. Thus, diligent tracking of reimbursements is essential to guarantee the retrieval of funds.

How long does it take to get reimbursed by Amazon? image

How to calculate Amazon Reimbursement Value?


Maximum Reimbursement Amount

  • Capped at $5,000 for a single unit of any FBA eligible item.
  • For items exceeding this value, consider exploring third-party insurance options.

Price Indicators for Reimbursement Calculation

  • Median price of the item sold on Amazon over the past 18 months.
  • Median price of the item sold by other sellers on Amazon over the past 18 months.
  • Current list price set by you for the item on Amazon, or the mean list price if multiple listings exist.
  • Current list price for the same item from other sellers on Amazon.
  • In cases of insufficient information, assign value based on a comparable product price. Additional documentation may be requested.

Reimbursement for Shipment to Amazon Claims

  • Based on estimated proceeds of the item's sale for shipment to Amazon claims.
  • Estimated proceeds = Estimated sale price minus referral and fulfillment fees.

Reimbursement for Fulfillment Center Operations or Removals Claims

  • Reimbursement for fulfillment center operations or removals claims is typically based on the estimated proceeds of the item's sale.
  • However, if the item was unsellable when lost, damaged, or removed from the Amazon fulfillment network, a different valuation method is applied.
  • For unsellable items, reimbursement is determined based on the discounted sale value of the unit.
  • Additional information or documentation may be necessary to confirm the discounted value for unsellable items.

Customer Return Claim Reimbursements

  • Reimbursements for customer return claims depend on the refund or replacement provided on your FBA order.
  • If Amazon issues a refund or replacement, the reimbursement equals the refund amount or the price of the replacement item on the original order.
  • Applicable fees are deducted from the reimbursement value.

Disagreement Resolution

  • Sellers can file a claim using the Contact Us page in Seller Central within 90 days of the reimbursement issuance if there is disagreement with Amazon's valuation of a unit.

The above information is sourced from

What is Amazon Reversal Reimbursement?

Amazon reversal reimbursement refers to the process where Amazon revisits and reverses a reimbursement credit that was previously applied to a seller's account. This reversal may occur if Amazon determines that a reimbursement made to the seller was in error or if a reimbursed item is later found and returned to the seller's inventory. In such cases, Amazon reserves the right to reverse the reimbursement credit to ensure accuracy and fairness in the reimbursement process. Sellers should be aware that reversals may happen and should monitor their accounts accordingly.

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What is Amazon Reimbursement Policy? image

What is Amazon Reimbursement Policy?

Amazon's Reimbursement Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for compensating sellers for various issues that may occur within the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. The policy covers scenarios such as lost or damaged inventory, discrepancies in inventory received at fulfillment centers, and other errors that may result in financial losses for sellers.

Key Components of Amazon Reimbursement Policy

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Reimbursement Types

Different categories, such as inventory, customer returns, shipping, FBA errors, and reimbursement for reimbursement, categorize the types of reimbursements available.

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Eligibility Criteria

Criteria that determine whether a particular case qualifies for reimbursement. This may include specific conditions and timeframes.

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Claim Window

The time period during which sellers can file a claim for reimbursement. Amazon typically imposes a time limit within which claims must be submitted.

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Required Details

Information and documentation needed to support a reimbursement claim. This may include order details, shipment information, or evidence of errors.

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Claim Process

The step-by-step procedure for filing a reimbursement claim, including how Amazon reviews and processes claims submitted by sellers.

Understanding and adhering to the Amazon Reimbursement Policy is crucial for sellers to recover financial losses incurred due to errors or discrepancies in the FBA process. It ensures a fair and transparent system for addressing issues and seeking compensation within the Amazon marketplace.

Reimbursement Policy: Replacement, Refund, and Potential Reversals

If Amazon validates your reimbursement claim, you'll receive a replacement for the lost or damaged item, or Amazon will reimburse you. In case of an erroneous reimbursement or if the item is later found and returned to your inventory, Amazon has the right to reverse the credited reimbursement. Additionally, Amazon may dispose of the item it reimbursed you for, potentially listing it for sale on Amazon Warehouse or other channels. This emphasizes the importance of accurate and valid reimbursement claims to avoid potential reversals.

Reimbursement Policy: Replacement, Refund, and Potential Reversals image

Types of Amazon FBA Reimbursement

Amazon FBA reimbursement includes various types designed to compensate sellers for different scenarios and errors that may occur within the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. Here are the major categories of Amazon FBA reimbursements

Inventory Reimbursement

Lost Inventory

Compensation for inventory that goes missing during the FBA process.

Damaged Inventory

Reimbursement for items that are damaged while in Amazon's possession.

Destroyed Inventory

Compensation for inventory that is intentionally disposed of by Amazon.

Customer Returns Reimbursement

Returned Lost

Reimbursement for items that were lost during the return process.

Replacement Lost

Compensation for items that were sent to the customer as replacement but the actual item was not yet received.

Carrier Damaged

Reimbursement for items damaged by the carrier during the return process.

Incorrect Refund

Compensation for instances where the customer is refunded incorrectly.

Wrong Item Returned

Compensation for returned item that is not the same as the one originally purchased from the seller.

Shipping Reimbursement

Lost Inbound Shipments

Compensation for lost inventory during the shipment to an Amazon fulfillment center.

Cancelled Shipments

Compensation for instances where a customer cancels an order before it is shipped from the Amazon fulfillment center.

FBA Errors Reimbursement

Weight & Dimension Fees Overcharge

Compensation for incorrect charges related to the weight and dimensions of items.

Incorrect Commission Fees

Reimbursement for fees charged inaccurately by Amazon.

Excess Storage Fee

Compensation for charges related to excess storage that are incorrect.

Missing Removal Orders

Reimbursement for items that were not removed despite a removal order.

Reimbursement for Reimbursement

Inaccurate Reimbursements

Compensation for cases where reimbursements provided by Amazon are inaccurate.

Missing Reimbursements

Reimbursement for instances where Amazon processed reimbursement but failed to get reflected in the seller account.

These categories cover a range of situations where errors or discrepancies may lead to financial losses for sellers, and the reimbursement process is designed to address and rectify these issues.

Importance of Understanding Types and Scenarios

Comprehending these reimbursement categories and associated scenarios is crucial. It enables sellers to identify, address, and resolve discrepancies effectively, ensuring accurate financial transactions and inventory management.

This comprehensive overview offers sellers a clear understanding of Amazon's reimbursement policy, aiding them in addressing potential issues and maximizing financial accuracy within their Amazon business.

Importance of Understanding Types and Scenarios image

Reclaim Your Profits: Dive into Amazon Reimbursement Mastery!

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for Amazon reimbursement vary based on the specific types and scenarios. However, here are some general eligibility criteria that sellers should consider

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Valid Claims

Reimbursement claims should be valid and based on genuine errors or discrepancies in Amazon's handling of inventory, returns, or other related processes.

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Claim Window

Claims must be filed within the specified claim window, typically within 18 months from the date of the issue. Timeliness is crucial for eligibility.

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Sellers need to provide accurate and comprehensive documentation to support their reimbursement claims. This may include invoices, shipment records, and other relevant evidence.

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Compliance with Policies

Sellers must ensure that their reimbursement claims align with Amazon's policies and guidelines. Non-compliance may result in claim denial.

Best Practices for Successful Claiming of FBA Reimbursement


Verification of Errors

Amazon may require evidence and verification of errors before processing reimbursement. Sellers should be prepared to provide such information when requested.


Timely Follow-Up

Sellers need to actively follow up on their reimbursement claims and respond promptly to any additional information requests from Amazon to ensure a smooth and timely process.


Claim Filing Method

Depending on the reimbursement method chosen (self-managed, third-party tool, outsourcing), sellers need to adhere to the specific procedures and requirements associated with that method.


Understanding Reimbursement Types

Sellers should have a clear understanding of the different types of reimbursements and the specific scenarios under which each type applies to file claims accurately.


Consistent Monitoring

Regular monitoring of inventory, returns, and other transactions is essential to identify and address reimbursement-eligible scenarios in a timely manner.

It's crucial for sellers to thoroughly review Amazon's reimbursement policies and guidelines and stay informed about any updates or changes to ensure compliance and maximize eligibility for reimbursement claims.

Your Funds, Your Rules: Dive into Amazon Reimbursement!

Claim Window

The claim window for Amazon reimbursements is a critical timeframe during which sellers can file claims for various types of issues and seek compensation. Understanding and adhering to the claim window is essential to ensuring eligibility for reimbursement. 

The claim window for different types of Amazon reimbursements can vary based on the specific scenarios. Here's a general overview of the claim window for some common types of reimbursements

Inventory Reimbursement

Claim Window: The period is from 30 days to 18 months from the date of the issue.

Scenarios: Lost inventory, damaged inventory, destroyed inventory.

Customer Returns Reimbursement

Claim Window: From 60 days to 18 months from the date of the issue.

Scenarios: Returned Lost, Replacement Lost, Carrier Damaged, Incorrect Refund.

Shipping Reimbursement

Claim Window:
For Europe: Within 6 months after the verified delivery date to an Amazon fulfillment center or a third-party facility(previously it was 9 months).
For India    : Within 2 months from the date of delivery(previously it was 9 months).
For North America: The claim window remains unchanged at 9 months.

The claim window has been updated to reflect these new timeframes.

Scenarios: Addresses problems such as Lost Inbound Shipment and Cancelled Shipments.

FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Reimbursement

Claim Window: Claim has to be applied within 18 months from the date of the issue.

Scenarios: Covers a range of issues including Weight & Dimension Fees overcharge, Incorrect Commission Fees, Excess storage fee, and Missing removal orders.

Reimbursement for Reimbursement

Claim Window: Within 18 months from the date of the issue.

Scenarios: Deals with challenges like Inaccurate Reimbursements and Missing Reimbursements.

The following table encapsulates the main points discussed above for quick reference and clarity.
Category NameClaim Window


0 to 9 Months​ for North America
0 to 6 Months for Europe
0 to 2 months for India

Customer Returns​

60 Days to 18 Months​

Inventory​ Related

30 Days to 18 Months​

FBA Fees

0 to 90 Days​

Reimbursement for Reimbursement

Up to 18 months

It's important to note that the claim window is a critical aspect, and claims filed outside this window may not be eligible for reimbursement. Sellers should regularly monitor their transactions and file claims within the specified timeframe to maximize their chances of reimbursement. Additionally, the 18-month timeframe is a general guideline, and sellers should refer to Amazon's official policies for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Recover Every Dollar: Master Amazon Reimbursement Now!

Required Details to Claim Amazon Reimbursement

Claiming Amazon reimbursement involves providing specific details and evidence to support your case. The required details may vary based on the type of reimbursement claim you are submitting. Here's a general overview of the key details typically needed

Order Information

Order ID: Specify the unique identification number for the order in question.

Date of Transaction: Provide the date when the transaction occurred.

Product Information

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number): Include the ASIN for the product involved.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): If applicable, provide the SKU assigned to the product.

Description of the Issue

Clearly articulate the nature of the problem or discrepancy that led to the reimbursement claim.

Provide a detailed description of how the error occurred.

Supporting Documentation

Attach any relevant supporting documentation, such as screenshots, images, or reports, that clearly illustrate the issue.

For damaged items, include photographs showing the condition of the product

Quantitative Details

Specify the quantity of items affected by the issue.

Include any specific numbers or figures that quantify the financial impact of the problem.

Financial Details

If the reimbursement claim involves a financial discrepancy, provide details on the monetary impact.

Clearly outline the amount you are seeking reimbursement for and the basis for this calculation.

Communication History

If you have engaged in any communication with Amazon support regarding the issue, include relevant communication history.

Reference any case numbers or correspondence related to the problem.

Timeline of Events

Create a timeline outlining the sequence of events leading up to the issue.

Clearly state when the problem was identified and reported.

Compliance with Policies

Ensure that your reimbursement claim complies with Amazon's reimbursement policies.

Highlight any policy violations that may have contributed to the issue.

Contact Information

Provide your contact information, including email address and phone number.

Ensure that the information is accurate for communication purposes.

It's crucial to review Amazon's specific guidelines for each type of reimbursement claim, as requirements may vary. Adhering to these guidelines and submitting comprehensive details and evidence will enhance the likelihood of a successful reimbursement claim.

Below are some common scenarios and the associated details you may need


Inventory Reimbursement

  • Proof of purchase invoice from the Manufacturer.
  • Proof of delivery(POD) to the Amazon fulfillment center. This document would be signed by the carrier driver with a PRO Number. POD will be available on the carrier website.
  • Invoices, receipts, or other relevant documents.
  • Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of FBA inventory ownership

Customer Returns Reimbursement

  • Proof of the customer return (tracking information, return ID).
  • Evidence of the condition of the returned item.
  • Any communication with the customer regarding the return.

Shipping Reimbursement

  • Documentation related to the shipping error or issue - Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of payment for shipping fees.
  • Any correspondence with the carrier or logistics provider.

FBA Reimbursement (e.g., for lost or damaged items in the Amazon warehouse)

  • FNSKU or ASIN of the affected items.
  • Quantity and description of lost or damaged items.
  • Date and time of the loss or damage.
  • Any supporting evidence (photos, screenshots, etc.).

Reimbursement for Reimbursement Errors

  • Details of the error in the initial reimbursement.
  • Any correspondence or case ID related to the error.
  • Supporting documentation proving the error.

Other Scenarios

  • For specific scenarios, you may need additional details. For example, if you are claiming reimbursement for a removal order issue, you might need information related to the removal order.
Always check the specific requirements outlined by Amazon in the reimbursement claim process for each scenario. It's crucial to provide accurate and complete information to support your claim. Keep records of all relevant documents, communications, and evidence, as these may be necessary to validate your reimbursement request. If in doubt, you can also reach out to Amazon Seller Support for guidance on the required documentation for your specific case.
The following table encapsulates the main points discussed above for quick reference and clarity.
Reimbursement CategoryRequired Details

Inventory Reimbursement

  • Proof of purchase invoice from the Manufacturer.
  • Proof of delivery(POD) to the Amazon fulfillment center. 
  • Invoices, receipts, or other relevant documents.
  • Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of FBA inventory ownership.

Customer Returns

  • Proof of the customer return (tracking information, return ID).
  • Evidence of the condition of the returned item.
  • Any communication with the customer regarding the return.

Shipping Reimbursement

  • Documentation related to the shipping error or issue - Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of payment for shipping fees.
  • Any correspondence with the carrier or logistics provider.

FBA Errors Reimbursement

  • FNSKU or ASIN of the affected items.
  • Quantity and description of lost or damaged items.
  • Date and time of the loss or damage.
  • Any supporting evidence (photos, screenshots, etc.).

Reimbursement for Reimbursement

  • Details of the error in the initial reimbursement.
  • Any correspondence or case ID related to the error.
  • Supporting documentation proving the error.

Claim Process

The claim process for different scenarios of Amazon reimbursement typically involves several steps, though the exact process might vary based on the nature of the claim. Here's a general overview


Identify the Issue

Recognize and document the problem or discrepancy related to inventory, customer returns, shipping, FBA fees, or other scenarios.


Gather Documentation

Collect all relevant evidence, including order IDs, shipment IDs, invoices, receipts, images, or any other supporting documents that validate the issue.


Initiate Claim

Access the Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the specific section for filing claims, often found in the "Reports" or "Help" sections.


Select Claim Type

Choose the appropriate FBA reimbursement category based on the nature of the issue—inventory, customer returns, shipping errors, FBA-related fees, or reimbursement for reimbursement.


Fill in Details

Provide accurate and detailed information about the problem, attaching the necessary documentation to support your claim.


Submit Claim

Submit the claim through the designated process on the Amazon platform, ensuring all required fields are completed and necessary documents are attached.


Monitor Claim Status

Track the status of the claim through the Seller Central dashboard or related reports. Amazon typically reviews claims and provides updates within a specified timeframe.


Review Outcome

After the claim assessment, Amazon may approve or deny the reimbursement request. If approved, the reimbursement should reflect in the seller's account or as an adjustment in subsequent payments.

It's important to follow Amazon's guidelines and policies while filing reimbursement claims and ensure all necessary details and evidence are provided accurately to expedite the review process.

Exploring Different Reimbursement Methods

Within the realm of Amazon reimbursement processes, three distinctive methods stand out:

  • Self-Managed Reimbursement
  • Third-Party Tool
  • Outsourcing the Reimbursement Process


Each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, offering varied degrees of control, automation, and reliance on external services.

Exploring Different Reimbursement Methods image

Don't Wait, Reclaim: Dive into Amazon Reimbursement!

Choosing the Right Amazon Reimbursement Method: Maximizing Returns

As an Amazon seller, securing reimbursements for lost or damaged inventory is a critical aspect of maintaining profitability. Navigating the complexities of Amazon’s reimbursement policies can be a daunting task, but choosing the right method to handle reimbursements can make a significant difference.

Choosing the Right Amazon Reimbursement Method: Maximizing Returns image

Three Primary Reimbursement Methods


Self-Managed Reimbursements

  • Full Control: Opting for self-management provides complete control over the reimbursement process, allowing sellers to maintain autonomy.
  • Learning Opportunity: Engaging in self-management offers sellers a chance to understand Amazon's reimbursement policies thoroughly.
  • Cost-Effective: Avoids commission fees that might be associated with external services.
  • Resource-Intensive: Requires more manpower and time, potentially increasing operational costs.
  • Manual Workload: Involves tedious manual tasks prone to errors, leading to potential discrepancies.
  • Policy Update Challenges: May miss out on the latest Amazon policy changes affecting claim eligibility.

Third-Party Tool Reimbursements

  • Automation Efficiency: Third-party tools automate a significant portion of the reimbursement process, reducing manual effort by up to 80%.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Offers real-time dashboards and claim tracking features for enhanced visibility.
  • Reduced Errors: Decreases the likelihood of errors through automated processes, increasing efficiency.
  • Transparent Costs: Provides fixed subscription fees for predictable costs.
  • Dependency on External Services: Reliance on third-party tools might limit customization capabilities.

Outsourced Reimbursements

  • Tailored Solutions: Adaptability to specific business needs, freeing up valuable time for core operations.
  • Time Management: Handles a significant portion of reimbursement cases, saving time and resources.
  • Expertise and Assistance: Offers expertise and support in managing reimbursements.
  • Commission Costs: Typically incurs a minimum 25% commission, impacting overall profitability.
  • Control and Reliance: Involves providing direct access to seller accounts and relying on the expertise of an external team.

Third-party tools for Amazon reimbursements are software or services developed by external providers to assist sellers in identifying and claiming reimbursements owed to them by Amazon. These tools are designed to streamline the process of identifying various errors or discrepancies within a seller's account and initiating claims to recover funds. KwickMetrics stands out as an optimal solution for analyzing eligible Amazon reimbursements. It excels in not only identifying but also claiming, tracking, and following up on these reimbursements efficiently.

When considering the reimbursement method, factors such as time, budget, expertise, business scale, control, security, long-term strategy, risk tolerance, learning curve, and availability of a trial period should be taken into account. Assessing these aspects ensures alignment with business objectives, leading to a more effective Amazon reimbursement strategy.

Maximize Earnings: Explore the Magic of Reimbursement!

Below is a summary of the content covering Reimbursement Types, Claim Window, and Required Details for claiming reimbursements for common Amazon reimbursement scenarios that are mentioned in this whole document.

Reimbursement CategoriesReimbursement TypesClaim WindowRequired Details

Inventory Related Errors

  • Lost
  • Damaged
  • Destroyed

30 days to 18 months

  • Proof of purchase invoice from the Manufacturer.
  • Proof of delivery(POD) to the Amazon fulfillment center. 
  • Invoices, receipts, or other relevant documents.
  • Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of FBA inventory ownership

Shipment Errors

  • Lost Inbound Shipments
  • Cancelled Shipments

0 to 9 months for North America
0 to 6 months for Europe
0 to 2 months for India

  • Documentation related to the shipping error or issue - Amazon shipment ID
  • Proof of payment for shipping fees.
  • Any correspondence with the carrier or logistics provider.

Customer Returns

  • Returned Lost
  • Replacement Lost
  • Carrier Damaged
  • Incorrect Refund
  • Wrong Item Returned

60 days to 18 months

  • Proof of the customer return (tracking information, return ID).
  • Evidence of the condition of the returned item.
  • Any communication with the customer regarding the return.

FBA Errors

  • Weight & Dimension Fees Overcharge
  • Incorrect Commission Fees
  • Excess Storage Fee
  • Restocking Fees
  • Missing Removal Orders

0 to 90 days

18 months
  • FNSKU or ASIN of the affected items.
  • Quantity and description of lost or damaged items.
  • Date and time of the loss or damage.
  • Any supporting evidence (photos, screenshots, etc.).

Reimbursement for Reimbursement

  • Inaccurate Reimbursements
  • Missing Reimbursements

Up to 18 months

  • Details of the error in the initial reimbursement.
  • Any correspondence or case ID related to the error.
  • Supporting documentation proving the error.
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