How Amazon Long Tail Keywords Can Boost Your PPC Campaign

Updated on : May 20, 2024
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How Amazon Long Tail Keywords Can Boost Your PPC Campaign

As advertising campaigns are growing in success, Short-tail keywords are becoming more popular than ever. Therefore, it has become more common to utilize low-volume keywords as well as long-tail keywords to boost your return on investment. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons why you require long-tail keywords and how to increase your conversions by choosing the most appropriate long-tail keywords for your product.

How do you identify the long-tail keyword?

For new sellers on e-commerce, Long-tail keywords are a set of phrases that are more targeted for the products you sell to customers. Customers will use these keywords if they are near the point of purchase item they prefer. In addition, long-tail keyword phrases are beneficial when customers use voice search to find their products.

The importance of long-tail keywords

A keyword analysis is the most critical step for any eCommerce retailer. Doing more research can aid you in going that extra mile for your business. Take a little time to niche down on your long-tail keywords. This can help propel your brand's image to the top of the list. When customers are closer to purchasing their desired product, the longer-tail keywords improve conversion efficiency. This, in turn, increases the ranking of your product on the marketplace, such as Amazon.

Typically long-tail keywords are the best for any new business as they provide the following:

  •  There is less competition.
  •  Low CPC.
  •  Also, high purchasing desire.

Uses of Long-Tail Keywords:

Implementing a long-tail strategy for keywords is considered a strategic decision for eCommerce companies who want higher rankings for their keywords for buyers.

Let's look at why you should use a long-tail keywords strategy in all of your Amazon PPC ads.

Lower competition: As stated, there is less competition since long-tail keywords are suitable for fewer vendors. Therefore, they are easier to rank organically, and a higher ranking in search results can bring more customers.

More Conversions: Customers who search with long-tail keywords are likely to have high purchase intent and are considered to better lead. Thus, a visitor to your website is highly likely to purchase your product. This improves your conversions and boosts the organic search rankings.

How do you find Long-tail Keywords for your ad campaigns?

You can locate relevant long-tail keyword phrases using tools for keyword research and report on search terms via Google as well as Amazon (if you're an Amazon seller).

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Google Search Term Report

Google keyword planner has become an essential tool for many marketers and sellers selling on the internet. However, Google Search Term Report for you to determine what search terms perform well for your advertisements within Google's Search Network.

With this report, you will determine which search terms have immense potential. Additionally, you can discover keywords that are not pertinent to your business and make them negative on your ads.

Amazon Search Term Report

If you sell your products on Amazon it is recommended to make use of this Amazon Search Term Report to find long-tail keywords.

Let's check out the Amazon report on search terms from seller central.

  • Log into the Amazon Central Seller Account and go to the Advertising tab.
  • Click here to open the Campaign Manager. Next, you will locate an Advertising report section.
  • Next, you'll see the Configuration and report settings. Ensure that you choose the search term for the report search box.
  • Give the report a name in order to distinguish it against other report
  • Download the file, which can be downloaded as .xlsx format. You can open the report to see the search terms as well as Amazon long-tail keywords.

How can you make use of the report on search terms for long-tail keywords?

Go to your report for search terms and review the volume of search terms. Then, sort the report by the quantity of orders. You will be able to identify potential long-tail keywords that could increase your conversion rate, and you will increase your organic ranking.

Alternative methods to locate long-tail keywords

If you're a new seller who is trying to learn how long-tail keywords work , or an aspiring seller seeking to make your life easier using the Google Keyword Research tool to discover possible keywords.

All you have for is to sign in to your account and then click the Keyword Tool.. You can add the keywords you want to use and choose the longtail keywords

The list of keywords that are long-tail, with the match type relevance, relevancy, search volume, as well as CPC rates.

Select the long-tail keywords that are extremely relevant to your business and begin to bid higher for these keywords for the PPC campaign. When you begin to see more clicks and conversions on these keywords the rank of your organic search improves for these similar keywords.

Final Thoughts

Most of the time long-tail keywords are among the least utilized and well-known ones to increase the rate of conversion. Some long-tail keywords may not be suitable for your business. You can identify the most relevant long-tail keywords and phrases that match the best with your services or products. Make sure you are targeting those keywords, and improving the other metrics of your customers like shipping rate or customer care. This can help you expand your business's growth in the long run.

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