Calculate Your Fees with the WFS Fee Calculator

Updated on : April 9, 2024
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Calculate Your Fees with the WFS Fee Calculator

Are you an eCommerce seller looking to streamline your fulfillment process? Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) offers an efficient solution, allowing you to focus on growing your business while they handle warehousing, packing, and shipping.

One crucial aspect of using WFS is understanding the associated fees. WFS provides a cost-effective way for sellers to manage their inventory and order fulfillment. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the WFS Fee Calculator, demystify transparent pricing, and guide you through effective fee estimation.

What is the WFS Fee Calculator

The WFS Fee Calculator is a powerful tool that allows you to estimate fulfillment and storage fees based on specific product details. By inputting relevant information, you can get a clear picture of the costs associated with using WFS. 

How to Use the Calculator

1. Product Details: Enter accurate data, including product weight, dimensions, and additional specifics.

2. Estimate Fees: The calculator will estimate based on the provided information.

WFS Fee Calculator: Estimate your WFS fees

Image source: Walmart 

“Efficiently determine fulfillment and storage costs for your product with the WFS fee Calculator. Simply enter the weight, dimensions, and pertinent product information to receive a quick estimation of fees. This user-friendly tool simplifies the process, providing sellers with valuable insights into their financial commitments related to Walmart Fulfillment Services.” 

Details to Input 

1. Units: Users can select either inches or pounds. 

2. Package Dimensions: There are fields to input the package’s length, width, and height in inches. 

3. Unit Weight: Users can specify the weight of the item in pounds. 

Additional Product Details

1. Apparel Checkbox: If the item is apparel, users can check this box (which adds $0.50 to the fulfillment fee). 

2. Item Retails for Less than $10 Checkbox: If the item’s retail price is less than $10, users can check this box (which adds $1 to the fulfillment fee). 

“Upon entering the respective details, the Walmart WFS fee Calculator will compute and provide the following estimations” 


1. Fulfillment Fee 


1. Regular Storage Fee 

2. Peak-season Storage Fee (under 30 days) 

3. Peak-season Storage Fee (over 30 days) 

4. Long-term Storage Fee 

Understanding the Transparent Pricing of the WFS Fee Calculator

1. Standard Fulfillment Fee


  • Unit Weight: The item’s weight should be less than or equal to 150 lb. 
  • Longest Side: The longest side of the item should be less than or equal to 108 inches. 
  • Longest Side + Girth: The sum of the longest side and the girth (calculated as 2 times width plus 2 times height) should be less than or equal to 165 inches. 

Fee Calculation Information: 

  • For units weighing less than 1 lb., the unit weight is used directly to determine the fee. 
  • For units between 1 and 150 lb., either the unit weight or the dimensional weight (calculated as length × width × height divided by 139) is used, whichever results in a higher fee. 
  • An additional $0.25 per pound is added for packaging materials, and the final shipping weight is rounded up. 
  • For packages weighing 1 lb. or less, the fee is $3.45. 
  • For packages weighing 2 lbs., the fee is $4.95. 
  • For packages weighing 3 lbs., the fee is $5.45. 
  • For packages weighing between 4 and 20 lbs., the fee is $5.75 plus $0.40 for each additional pound beyond 4 lbs. 
  • For packages weighing between 21 and 30 lbs., the fee is $15.55 plus $0.40 for each additional pound beyond 21 lbs. 
  • For packages weighing between 31 and 50 lbs., the fee is $14.55 plus $0.40 for each additional pound beyond 31 lbs. 
  • For packages weighing 51 lbs. or more, the fee is $17.55 plus $0.40 for each additional pound beyond 51 lbs. 

Additional Fulfillment Fees for Standard Items

  • Apparel: If the item is an article of clothing, an additional fee of $0.50 is applied. 
  • Hazardous Materials: If the item contains chemicals, aerosols, pesticides, or batteries, an additional fee of $0.50 is applied. 
  • Retail Price Less than $10: If the item’s retail price is less than $10, an additional fee of $1 is applied. 
  • Oversize: Depending on the dimensions and size of the item,  

Oversize Criteria 1: For items with the longest side greater than 48″ and up to 96″, or the median side greater than 30″, or the longest side + girth greater than 105″ and up to 130″, an additional fee of $3 is applied. 

Oversize Criteria 2: For items with the longest side greater than 96″ and up to 108″, or the longest side + girth greater than 130″ and up to 165″, an additional fee of $20 is applied. 

Additionally, the unit weight starts at 90 lbs. when determining the fulfillment fee. This means that even if the actual weight of the item is lower, the fulfillment fee calculation begins from 90 lbs. This ensures that larger or heavier items are appropriately accounted for in the fee structure, maintaining fairness and accuracy in the fulfillment process. 

2. Big & Bulky Items


  • Unit Weight: The item weighs between 150 lbs. and up to 500 lbs. 
  • Longest Side: The longest side of the item exceeds 108 inches and up to 120 inches. 
  • Longest Side + Girth: The total of the longest side and girth (calculated as 2 times the sum of width and height in inches) surpasses 165 inches. 

Fee Calculation Information: 

  • For items up to 500 lbs., a base fee of $155 is applied, along with an additional charge of $0.80 per pound for weights exceeding 90 lbs. 

3. Fixed Monthly Storage Fee


  • Storage Fee: The storage fee represents the cost associated with storing items at a Walmart fulfillment center. It is determined based on the volume of the product being stored and the duration of storage. 
  • Unit Cubic Feet Calculation: The unit cubic feet are calculated by dividing the unit volume of the product in inches (length x width x height) by 1,728, which converts cubic inches to cubic feet. 

Fee Calculation Information: 

  • January–September: The fee is $0.75 per cubic foot per month for items stored during this period. 
  • October–December (Peak Season): For items stored for up to 30 days, the fee remains $0.75 per cubic foot per month. For items stored for more than 30 days, an additional fee of $1.50 per cubic foot per month is added. 
  • More than 12 Months: For items stored for over 12 months, the fee can reach up to $7.50 per cubic foot per month. 
  • Note: Price Calculation Basis: The price is calculated based on a 30-day calendar month. 

How to Access the WFS Fee Calculator

1. Visit the [Walmart Fulfillment Services page] ( 

2. Log in to your seller account. 

3. Navigate to the WFS Fee Calculator. 

4. Input your product information. 

Tips for Using the WFS Fee Calculator Effectively

Understand Product Details

  • Ensure you have accurate measurements of your product’s weight, dimensions, and any additional details such as apparel designation or hazardous materials. 

Utilize the Calculator Interface

  • Familiarize yourself with the input fields and options provided by the calculator interface. 
  • Take note of the units required for weight and dimensions (e.g., pounds, inches) to avoid input errors. 

Input Accurate Data

  • Enter precise measurements and product information into the calculator to obtain the most accurate fee estimates. 
  • Double-check the values entered to prevent miscalculations and discrepancies in the results. 

Consider Additional Fees

  • Take into account any additional fulfillment fees applicable to your product, such as those for apparel, hazardous materials, or items with a retail price less than $10. 
  • Be aware of potential oversize fees for larger items that exceed specified dimensions. 

Anticipate Storage Costs

  • If storing items in Walmart fulfillment center, factor in the monthly storage fees based on the duration and volume of storage. 
  • Plan storage durations strategically to minimize long-term storage costs. 

Review Fee Breakdown

  • Take the time to review the breakdown of fees provided by the calculator, including fulfillment fees, additional charges, and storage costs. 
  • Understand how each fee contributes to the overall cost structure and budget accordingly. 

Explore Optimization Strategies

  • Explore different scenarios and options within the calculator to optimize fulfillment and storage costs.
  • Consider adjustments to product dimensions, quantities, or storage durations to find the most cost-effective solutions. 

Stay Informed About Updates

  • Stay updated on any changes or revisions to WFS fee structures and WFS fee calculator functionalities. 
  • Regularly review documentation and resources provided by Walmart or third party provides to ensure accurate fee calculations. 

Key Takeaway:

By following these tips, you can effectively leverage the Walmart Fee Calculator to estimate fees, optimize costs, and make informed decisions regarding product fulfillment and storage within the Walmart ecosystem.


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FAQs related to the WFS Fee Calculator

Q. How Accurate are the Fee Estimates Provided by the WFS Fee Calculator?

A. The fees generated by the calculator reflect the information you enter. Yet, slight variations might occur between the calculator’s estimates and your payment report. This variation is because of Walmart’s recalculation of dimensions and weight after the measure check at their facilities. 

Q. Are There Any Hidden Fees Not Accounted for by the Calculator?

A. The Walmart Fee Calculator strives to provide transparent fee estimates based on known criteria and fee structures. However, it’s essential to be aware that certain circumstances or special requirements may result in additional fees not accounted for by the calculator. Sellers are encouraged to review all terms and conditions carefully and seek clarification from the Walmart support team if needed. 


Imagine you’re on a journey to e-commerce success, and Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS) is your trusted partner, handling warehousing, packing, and shipping. But amidst the excitement, understanding fees is key. That’s where the WFS Fee Calculator steps in, your guide through the maze of costs. With its simple interface and clear breakdowns, you navigate the fee landscape confidently.  

Armed with accurate estimates, you optimize your eCommerce adventure, making informed decisions every step of the way. So, embrace the story of smart selling, where the WFS Fee Calculator is your trusted compass, lighting the path to success. 

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