Walmart Sales Analysis: Maximizing Profits and Growth

Originally published on : April 16, 2024
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Walmart Sales Analysis: Maximizing Profits and Growth 

Walmart is a huge store that many sellers use to sell their stuff to lots of people. But just putting things up for sale isn’t enough. You need to understand how sales work, which is called sales analytics. In this blog, we’ll talk about how to understand and analyze sales at Walmart. We’ll look at why it’s important, what good it does, how to do it, and the tools you can use to make it easier. 

What is Walmart sales analysis? 

Walmart sales analysis involves examining various aspects of sales data to gain insights into the performance of products within the Walmart marketplace. This includes analyzing metrics such as revenue, expenses, profits, orders, units sold, sellable value, unsellable value, estimated net profit and trends over specific periods. By dissecting this data, sellers can identify patterns, understand customer behavior, optimize pricing strategies, and make informed decisions to enhance their sales performance on the Walmart platform. 

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Why Walmart Sales Analysis Matters for Sellers? 

  • Insights into Performance: Walmart Sales Analysis provides valuable insights into how products are performing on the platform. 
  • Spotting Trends: Walmart sellers can identify Walmart sales trends over time period, allowing them to adapt strategies and capitalize on opportunities. 
  • Efficient Inventory Management: Walmart Sales data analysis aids in managing inventory levels efficiently, ensuring products are available to meet demand without excess stock. 
  • Effective Pricing Strategies: Walmart sellers can determine the best pricing strategies by studying sales data, balancing competitiveness and profitability. 
  • Informed Decision Making: Access to detailed sales data empowers sellers to make informed decisions about product assortment, marketing, and resource allocation. 
  • Maximizing Profits: By understanding sales patterns and customer behavior, sellers can identify ways to increase revenue and reduce costs, ultimately maximizing profits. 
  • Competitive Advantage: Analyzing sales data helps sellers stay competitive in the Walmart marketplace by staying ahead of trends and adapting to market changes effectively. 

Key Takeaway:

Walmart Sales Analysis Importance: Understanding sales analytics at Walmart is crucial for sellers to gain insights into product performance, spot trends, manage inventory efficiently, set effective pricing strategies, and maximize profits.

Key Metrics Provided by KwickMetrics for Walmart Sales Analysis 

Marketplace Overview Metrics: 

  • Orders: Total number of orders processed across all marketplaces. 
  • Units: Total number of units sold across all marketplaces. 
  • Revenue: Total revenue generated from sales across all marketplaces. 
  • Estimated Net Profit: Approximate profit after deducting all expenses and costs. 
  • Returns: Total number of items returned by customers. 
  • Refunds: Total amount refunded to customers. 
  • COGS (Cost of Goods Sold): Total cost incurred to produce or purchase the goods sold. 

Sales Overview Metrics: 

  • Total Orders: Overall count of orders received. 
  • Units: Total number of units sold. 
  • Revenue: Total sales revenue generated. 
  • Estimated Net Profit: Estimated profit from sales after deducting all expenses. 
  • Profit Margin: Percentage of revenue that represents profit. 
  • Delivered Orders: Orders successfully shipped to customers and received by them. 
  • Acknowledged Orders: Orders officially recognized or confirmed by the seller. 

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Returns Overview Metrics: 

  • Returns: Total number of items returned by customers. 
  • Sellable Units: Units that can be resold. 
  • Unsellable Units: Units that cannot be resold. 
  • Sellable Value: Value of units that can be resold. 
  • Unsellable Value: Value of units that cannot be resold. 
  • Return Percentage: Percentage of total units sold that were returned. 

Sales Heatmap Metrics: 

  • Orders: Distribution of orders across different time periods or regions. 
  • Revenue: Distribution of revenue across different time periods or regions. 
  • Units: Distribution of units sold across different time periods or regions. 

Buyer Segmentation: 

  • Total Unique Buyers: Total count of unique customers who made purchases. 
  • New Buyers: Count of customers who made their first purchase. 
  • Repeat Buyers: Count of customers who made repeat purchases. 
  • Repeat Buyer Rate: Percentage of customers who made repeat purchases. 
  • Top 5 Buyers: List of top buyers based on units, revenue, and estimated profit. 

Top Performing Products: 

  • Orders: Total number of orders for each top performing product. 
  • Units: Total number of units sold for each top performing product. 
  • Revenue: Total revenue generated for each top performing product. 
  • Estimated Net Profit: Estimated profit for each top performing product after deducting all expenses. 
  • Returns: Total number of returns for each top performing product. 
  • Refund: Total refund amount for each top performing product. 
  • COGS: Total cost of goods sold for each top performing product. 
  • Walmart Fees: Total fees charged by Walmart for each top performing product. 
  • Expenses: Total expenses incurred for each top performing product. 
  • Profit Margin: Profit margin for each top performing product. 

Expenses Metrics: 

  • Total Expenses: Overall sum of all expenses incurred. 
  • Top 5 Expenses: List of top expenses categorized by name, marketplace, date, labels, category, SKU, frequency, and amount. 

Key Takeaway:

Key Metrics by KwickMetrics: KwickMetrics provides comprehensive metrics for analyzing Walmart sales, including marketplace overview, sales overview, returns overview, sales heatmap, buyer segmentation, and top performing products.

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Challenges in Walmart Sales Analysis and Solutions by KwickMetrics 

Challenges in Walmart Sales Analysis Solutions by KwickMetrics
Lots of Data Simplifies data presentation with easy-to-understand graphs and charts.
Data Integration Easily integrates data from various sources for comprehensive analysis.
Data Accuracy Ensures data accuracy and provides real-time error detection and correction.
Comprehensive Data View Presents all essential data in one accessible platform.
Time Efficiency Provides quick and easy analysis, saving sellers valuable time.
User-Friendly Interface Presents data in a simple, understandable manner for all users.
Affordability Offers cost-effective solutions suitable for sellers of all sizes.
Ease of Use Provides intuitive tools with excellent customer support for smooth navigation.
Compliance Ensures sellers adhere to Walmart’s data usage rules while keeping data secure.
Market Adaptation Helps sellers stay informed about market changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Understanding your Walmart Sales with KwickMetrics 

KwickMetrics simplifies Walmart sales analysis for sellers, providing easy-to-understand reports on product performance. Here’s how it helps: 

  • Dashboard Overview: Offers a simple summary of important numbers of Sales, Returns of all marketplace and trends for quick business insights. 
  • Customizable Time Frames: Allows sellers to analyze sales data for any desired time to track changes effectively and is easy to compare between 2 periods. 
  • Detailed Sales Reports: Provides comprehensive reports on sales orders, units, Estimated Net Profit, Revenue, and advertising spending & other expenses can be tracked using P&L report. 
  • Returns Analysis: This report provides Return Value, Returned Units and its Percentages. This helps identify product issues by analyzing return rates. 
  • Sales Heatmap: Sales heatmap displays hourly sales data, revealing peak sales hours by tracking orders, units sold, and revenue fluctuations.
  • Buyer Segmentation: Assists in tailoring marketing strategies to different customer segments. 
  • Product Performance Analysis: Identifies top-selling products for sellers to focus on based on sales orders. 

Key Takeaway:

Solutions by KwickMetrics: KwickMetrics simplifies Walmart sales analysis by offering easy-to-understand reports, customizable time frames, detailed sales reports, returns analysis, sales heatmap, buyer segmentation, and product performance analysis tools.

FAQs In relation to Walmart Sales Analysis

What is Walmart sales analysis?  

It involves examining sales data to understand performance and make informed decisions for improved sales. 

Why is Walmart sales analysis important?  

It helps sellers understand trends, manage inventory, set prices, and maximize profits effectively. 

What metrics does KwickMetrics provide?  

KwickMetrics offers comprehensive metrics covering orders, revenue, returns, sales trends, buyer segmentation, and more. 

How does KwickMetrics simplify sales analysis?  

It presents data in easy-to-understand reports, customizable time frames, and detailed analysis tools for effective decision-making. 

How can sellers benefit from Walmart sales analysis?  

It empowers sellers to optimize strategies, improve performance, and grow their businesses successfully on the Walmart platform. 


In conclusion, effective Walmart sales analysis is crucial for Walmart sellers to thrive in the competitive marketplace. By leveraging tools like KwickMetrics and analyzing key metrics such as Revenue, Expenses, Sales Trends and customer behavior, sellers can gain valuable insights, optimize their strategies, and maximize profits. With simplified data presentation, accurate analysis, and user-friendly interfaces, platforms like KwickMetrics empower sellers to make informed decisions, adapt to market changes, and ultimately grow their businesses successfully on the Walmart platform. 

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