Exploring Walmart Seller Analytics

Updated on : May 24, 2024
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Exploring Walmart Seller Analytics 

Unlock Walmart Seller Analytics with KwickMetrics. Maximize sales, understand customer behavior, and optimize product performance. Gain valuable insights for business growth on Walmart’s platform. Dive deep into metrics and trends to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

What is Walmart Seller Analytics? 

Walmart Seller Analytics is a toolkit for sellers on Walmart’s online store. It gives them important information about their sales, what customers are buying, and how they’re engaging with products. With this data, sellers can make smarter choices to sell more and keep their customers happy. It’s like having a guide to help sellers succeed on Walmart’s website. 

Key Takeaway:

Leverage Walmart seller analytics to make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and drive business growth on the Walmart Marketplace.

Key Metrics for Success 

  1. Sales Performance Metrics: 
  • Total Orders: The total number of orders received within a specified time period, indicating the level of customer demand for products. 
  • Total Units Sold: The total quantity of products sold during a specific timeframe, reflecting the volume of sales activity. 
  • Total Revenue: The sum of all revenue generated from sales, providing insight into the financial performance of the Walmart business. 
  • Delivered Orders: The number of orders that have been successfully delivered to customers, indicating fulfillment efficiency. 
  • Acknowledged Orders: The number of orders acknowledged by the seller, indicating the level of order processing and fulfillment. 
  • Est. Net Profit: The estimated net profit margin after accounting for expenses, providing a measure of profitability. 
  • Trends: Analysis of sales trends over different time periods, such as today, yesterday, last week, last month, and custom time frames, enabling Walmart business analytics to identify patterns and forecast future performance. 
  1. Customer Engagement Metrics: 
  • Total Unique Buyers: The total number of unique buyers who have made purchases within the specified time period. 
  • New Buyers: The number of buyers who are new to the platform within the specified time period, expressed both in absolute numbers and as a percentage of total unique buyers. 
  • Repeat Buyers: The number of buyers who have made multiple purchases within the specified time period. 
  • Repeat Buyer Rate: The percentage of buyers who have made repeat purchases out of the total unique buyers.  
  • Top 5 Buyers: The top 5 buyers ranked by their total purchase amount, along with their email addresses, marketplace, total orders, units purchased, revenue generated, estimated net profit, last purchased date, first purchased date, average purchased items, average purchased amount, highest amount spent, and highest items purchased. 

3. Profit and loss performance metrics:

  • Net Revenue: Track total revenue generated from customers and deductions from Walmart charges to understand overall income.
  • Walmart Charges: Monitor fees charged by Walmart, including transaction fees and other charges, to assess their impact on profitability.
  • Proceeds Before Walmart Fees: Calculate the total income received before deducting Walmart fees to gauge the initial profitability of sales.
  • Proceeds After Walmart Fees: Determine the net income after subtracting Walmart fees to understand the actual proceeds from sales.
  • Promotional Expenses: Assess expenses related to promotions or discounts offered to customers to evaluate their impact on revenue.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Evaluate the direct costs associated with producing goods sold to determine their impact on profitability.
  • Gross Profit: Calculate the difference between net revenue and COGS to understand the overall profitability of sales.
  • Other Expenses: Consider any additional expenses incurred, such as marketing or operational costs, to assess their impact on overall profit.
  • Net Profit: Analyze the final profit after deducting all expenses to evaluate the overall financial performance of the business.

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Benefits of KwickMetrics Dashboard 

Overview of the Dashboard 

  • KwickMetrics Dashboard: Offers detailed insights into business metrics and performance indicators with customizable time frames for analysis. 
  • Interactive Visualizations: Facilitates easy interpretation of data trends through interactive charts, tables, and heatmaps, aiding in identifying top-performing products and understanding buyer behavior. 

Using Sales Data for Growth 

  • Analyzing Walmart Sales Trends: Utilizing historical sales data to identify trends and seasonal patterns. 
  • Identifying Top-Selling Products: Pinpointing best-selling items and optimizing product listings accordingly. 
  • Expanding Product Catalog: Leveraging insights from sales data to diversify product offerings and capture new market segments. 

Improving Product Performance 

  • Evaluating Product Metrics: Assessing product performance based on sales volume and return rates
  • Optimizing Product Listings: Enhancing product titles, descriptions, and images to improve visibility and conversion rates. 
  • Addressing Underperforming Products: Strategies for repositioning or discontinuing products that do not meet sales expectations. 

Analyzing Customer Engagement 

  • Understanding Customer Behavior: Analyzing browsing patterns, purchase history, and demographics to tailor marketing strategies. 
  • Enhancing Customer Experience: Implementing customer-centric initiatives based on analytics insights to drive repeat purchases and loyalty. 

Key Takeaway:

Utilize KwickMetrics to unlock the potential of Walmart Seller Analytics, gaining insights into sales, customer engagement, and product performance.

How KwickMetrics Enhances Walmart Seller Analytics? 

KwickMetrics, a robust analytics tool, which boosts Walmart Seller Analytics, making it more effective. 

  • Walmart Sales Analysis: KwickMetrics provides insights into total revenue, sales volume, and growth over time. Analyze sales by product, category, or time period to identify top sellers and revenue trends. 
  • Profit and Loss Analysis: KwickMetrics offers tools for tracking expenses, calculating profit margins, and assessing overall financial health. Compare revenue against expenses to determine net profit. 
  • Return Tracking: KwickMetrics enables tracking returns and refunds, providing visibility into return rates and reasons. Understanding return trends helps improve product quality and customer satisfaction. 
  • Sales Trends: KwickMetrics identifies sales trends and patterns, allowing for demand forecasting and inventory adjustments. Analyze seasonal trends and market fluctuations to optimize pricing strategies. 
  • Product Performance: KwickMetrics evaluates metrics like conversion rates, average order value (AOV), and customer ratings. Identify underperforming products, optimize listings, and prioritize inventory based on demand. 
  • Expense Management: KwickMetrics streamlines expense tracking by consolidating data on product costs, shipping expenses, and marketplace fees. Monitor expenses in real-time to ensure efficient cost management and maximize profitability. 

Key Takeaway:

Efficiency and Profitability: With KwickMetrics, streamline operations, track profit and loss, analyze sales trends, and manage expenses effectively to enhance profitability and success on Walmart’s platform.

FAQs In relation to Walmart Seller Analytics

  1. What is Walmart Seller Analytics?
    • It’s a toolkit for sellers on Walmart’s online store, providing insights into sales and customer behavior.
  2. How does KwickMetrics complement Walmart Seller Analytics?
    • KwickMetrics enhances analysis with detailed sales trends and performance metrics.
  3. What key metrics are provided by Walmart Seller Analytics?
    • Metrics include total orders, revenue, customer engagement, and profit estimation.
  4. How does KwickMetrics improve profit and loss analysis?
    • It tracks expenses, calculates profit margins, and compares revenue against costs.
  5. Can KwickMetrics help with underperforming products on Walmart?
    • Yes, it evaluates product performance and provides insights for optimization.


In summary, Walmart Marketplace offers third-party sellers a robust platform for expanding their businesses. By utilizing Walmart seller analytics like KwickMetrics and key metrics, sellers can gain valuable insights into their sales, customer engagement, profit and loss. Using third-party analytics tool like KwickMetrics, Walmart sellers can still leverage available data to make informed decisions and optimize their strategies. With a focus on understanding customer behavior and staying competitive, sellers can maximize their potential on Walmart Marketplace and drive sustainable growth. 

Discover more about KwickMetrics by using our demo account

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